
Counseling / rådgivning for udstationerede

Uanset hvor vi rejser hen i verden for at arbejde eller som medfølgende til en udstationeret, bærer vi vores psykologiske mønstre med os. At bo, arbejde og finde sig til rette i et fremmed land kan til tider være frustrerende og stressende. Ofte indebærer det ensomhed og isolation, hvilket påvirker ens selvværdsfølelse. At bo med fysisk afstand til de hjemlige omgivelser gør ofte, at problemer man med lethed har kunnet klare før, pludselig er svære at håndtere.

Jeg har arbejdet som counseler/psykoterapeut for International SOS i Hanoi, Vietnam, og har erfaring med at arbejde med udstationerede fra mange forskellige lande og kulturer.


Counseling and psychotherapy for expatriates

Wherever we travel in the world to work or as the spouse of an expatriate employee, we carry with us our psychological patterns and problems. Living, working and settling into life in a foreign country can be very frustrating and stressful, often resulting in feelings of loneliness and isolation, a shaken sense of self and loss of self esteem. In some cases the stress of being in an expatriate situation may exacerbate underlying or deep-seated emotional problems. During my employment as a counselor and psychotherapist for International SOS in Hanoi, Vietnam from 2001-04, I worked with people from many different countries and cultures and gained extensive knowledge of the problems that expatriates face. Counseling or psychotherapy offers the expatriate a neutral and secure place to express his or her frustrations and discuss of ways of dealing with the difficulties of a foreign work place, cultural problems or the problems of being far from home.



Sessions: 1 or 1 ½ hours, by appointment.


Please feel free to call if you have any further enquiries.